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Monday, May 30, 2016

Something New, Somethng Old...

... and Something I have never tried before

This will be one of many posts to come about my journey to trying to share my hopes, my art, and gain some insight into how artists can use the Internet to reach more people

I'll be talking about some hot topics about art, social media and also just my own thoughts on the art I have seen, and also what I am in the process of making.

More than anything I want to finally share my art work to the general public.

This is going to be hard to believe, but for the last 15 years or so, I have been making art- all kinds: paintings, drawing, illustration, mixed media- you name it, I've done it.

And its all sitting in a closet two feet away from me, never seeing the light of day and gathering dust

I guess you're wondering why. So am I, and so are my friends and loved ones who are probably saying its about time I did this.

I think I speak for some artists at least when I say...its scary putting yourself, your art, out there. So much of the creative process is building in and carving out a piece of yourself that you then express in whichever medium tickles your fancy. Its never easy to open yourself then to an audience- any audience with its own perspective, misgivings, bias, and backgrounds that will see your art in a completely different way that you do. I guess no one really ever sees us like we see ourselves. And what is art but an extension of what makes the very heart of us?

It goes without saying then that since I will be sharing my own art, I, expect to hear from each and every one of you what you think. I refuse to be in a forum where we can't be honest with each other. What's the point of doing this if we're just going to be disingenuous, hmm?

I'm honest. Integrity is important to me, and nothing's more honest than the Internet. What I love the most about this chance though is the ability to possibly connect with other artists, writers, thinkers out there.

And if we just come right down to it, and you think all my stuff is shite, then I take comfort in the following:

I'm just as confused as you are, buddy. But that doesn't mean we cant have fun right?

Daily Eye Fodder:

Part of my Posts will feature a piece of artwork, music, or literature; my own or an artist that I think is really amazing.

Since this is my first post, I am going to put my own work down: it might look familiar....